
Freitag, 25. Juli 2014

Recipe: Egg nog liqueur muffins


I totally love to bake muffins, or bake in general, but muffins are just so fast to do and taste so yummy. So last week hubby asked for muffins and I decided to take some pictures too and post the recipe here on my blog.



200 g flour

200 g butter

200 g sugar

2 package vanilla sugar

1 package baking powder

4 eggs

1/4 egg nog liqueur

cacao (after your desire)

180 C° 15 – 20 minutes



Mix butter with egs and then put sugar (+ vanilla sugar) in it too and mix until its creamy. Now ad flour and baking powder and mix the whole thing for a few minutes. Then ad the egg nog liqueur. (Don’t let your kids lick the bowl *g*). Now its up to your desire but I split it in 2 bowls and ad to one bowl a few spoons of cacao and mix it again. Now fill up your muffin form and put it in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

Enjoy your coffee with some yummy egg nog liqueur muffins.

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